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Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Guide to Taking Fish Oil Supplements

Omega three is a fatty acid also known as “essential fish oil” has proven its benefits through the course of time. Much research indicates and proves the health benefits of this essential oil, while some studies have also proven the light to adverse effect of omega 3s. Such findings resolve into conflicting facts about Omega three which demanded for further queries and investigation.


To know the right healthy dose of omega three, we will discuss the proven benefits and risks of this essential oil. This article will present the facts needed to know to produce an answer to that query.  Knowing the benefits and the risk of inducing omega three, the debate turns into knowing what the healthiest dose of Omega three fish oil is.

The Good Things about Omega Three

Omega three was clinically proven to be beneficial to individuals who are susceptive to cardiovascular ailments. It is also called “food for the brain” because of its ability to add vigor to basic brain functions. Omega three can also be taken orally as anti-inflammatory medications for rheumatoid arthritis because of its ability to clean the arteries and regulates blood flow. It also lowers the total cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Lower cholesterol means less risk of hyper tension, while lower triglyceride means lowered risk of diabetes. High Triglycerides is one of the markers for diabetic patients. Some studies prove that omega three helps increase calcium in the body and a good additional medication to combat osteoporosis but, not all test of omega three for osteoporosis provided good results. In some cases omega three improved symptoms of chronic depression and was used as medication in addition with antidepressant prescription.

 Safety Concerns about Omega Three

Some of the risk of Omega three overdose leads to bleeding and hemorrhage. It also reduces the ability of the immune system to fight infections.  Fish oil can manifest obnoxious side-effect which includes uncontrolled belching, breath stench, nausea, loose bowel, nose bleeding, rashes and heartburn. An issue about heavy metal contamination is also one of the risks of consuming omega three as food supplement. Omega three is commonly derived from fish. Heavy metal contaminants are deposited in fish flesh. Pharmaceutically filtered and processed omega three capsule should be preferred to reduce the risk of contamination. 

Benefits versus Risk

Omega three benefits outweigh the risk of adding omega three fish oil as food supplements for one healthy individual. However, proper caution should be taken before considering this supplement in your daily dose and prescriptions. When taking some medications it is always best to consult your physician before doing so.

The Healthy Dose

So, what is the healthiest dose of omega three fish oil? The recommended healthy dose of omega three is three grams a day, or two serving of fish a day. But you can opt out into 800mg to 1,000mg a day if taken as supplement. However, if taken to lessen triglycerides for diabetic patient, a higher dose can be administered upon your doctor’s discretion. No established dosage or amount is recommended for children. Always consult your doctors to know the best dosage for your safety. Every human body has individual tolerance level in terms of medications.
