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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Three Benefits of A Heated Mattress Pad

 A cost-effective alternative to expensive heating systems

Heating systems are getting more and more expensive nowadays, making it difficult for some households to invest in a good system that can get them through the cold seasons. As if that’s not enough to break the bank, consumers also have to pay high utility costs when they activate their heating systems for extended periods during the winter. Thankfully, with heated bedding solutions, consumers can enjoy a warm, comfortable sleep at night at a lower cost.

A more convenient way of heating beddings

Investing in heated mattress systems is not the only way of heating your bedding to make your sleep environment more comfortable. Some people opt for electric blankets. While these may be effective, they are usually not enough to keep you completely warm, especially since they are removable and can provide uneven heating.

A heated mattress pad, on the other hand, is underneath the sleeper, so any movement on the bed will not affect its ability to create warmth. Also, heated mattress pads are more able to provide even heating, making sure there are no cold spots when you sleep.

A healthy solution for those who suffer in the cold season

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a heated mattress pad is how it can benefit the health. The use of heated pads can have a therapeutic effect, and this can ease tired and sore muscles. This is why some people use these products even when it’s not winter.

Those who suffer from muscle problems, however, are the ones who benefit the most. Among these are arthritis and fibromyalgia sufferers.

Arthritis is not caused by the cold, but it tends to get worse when exposed to it. Medical professionals recommend heat as the most effective solution in order to relieve pain caused by the condition. Using a heated mattress cover can ensure proper blood flow to the muscles in the affected areas. This provides the muscles with the nutrition they need and therefore relaxes them.

While relief provided by warm baths can only last for a short while, a mattress pad designed to provide heating can keep you healthy and comfortable all night long.