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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Diamond-Tipped Tungsten Carbide Razor Blade that Can Split Human Hair in Half to Kill Disposable Razors?

Back in 2010, a German outfit discovered the ultimate cutting tool: a diamond tipped carbide razor blade made of tungsten that is not just sharp but also precise enough to split a strand of hair in half. Although not yet available commercially, the new carbide blade is a positive sign of the further advancement of cutting technologies.

The innovative new razor blade is not just capable of cutting as precisely as needed, but is also capable of retaining its sharpness up to 1000 times longer than the conventional blade of today.

So what did it take to create? The blade is made of tungsten carbide material, which means it is not that expensive. But it has a nanocrystalline diamond coating that undergoes a special plasma sharpening technology that polishes the jeweled layers and makes them sharp and precise. This special plasma sharpening process is the key to the new technology and was what led the German researchers to develop the new blade. The process also marked another milestone as it became the first to combine the world’s hardest material with the sharpest cutting edge.

What is most interesting about this development is the fact that it still uses the same material as the cutting industry have always been using – diamond. Boasting of extreme hardness and longer life spans than blades made of steel, blades made of diamond have long been used as the ultimate cutting tools. And this new advancement is proof that diamonds are capable of so much more, if only humans are patient and determined enough to unearth its full potential.

But one of the reasons why humans are not able to maximize the use of diamonds is their rarity in the world. Due to this, using diamonds in manufacturing processes, even artificially produced ones, is coupled with high costs.

But this is where the diamond-tipped tungsten carbide razor blade once again differs from the conventional blade.

Thanks to the plasma sharpening technology, the blade is polished so that the cutting edge is just 50 nanometers thick, which means it consists of only a few atoms. Thus, each blade uses only a very thin layer of manufactured diamonds, which meant that manufacturing cost is relatively low despite the enhanced cutting capability of the new blade.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Click Cash Commissions: Is It Making Outlandish Claims?

Click Cash Commissions is one of the most highly anticipated products of the year, and also one of the most controversial. The controversy is expected response to a product that claims to help a person make thousands of dollars in a few days. Unfortunately, the product does not have any actual and valid proof to back this claim up.

But before anything else, an introduction would be helpful.

What is Click Cash Commissions?

Click Cash Commissions is a product created by Jessica and Mike Auton. It is positioned as an Internet marketing system designed specifically to help both beginners and experienced online business owners improve their businesses. Even those who are only planning to begin their own online businesses will find the product’s tactics and tips helpful.

The program, which was only recently launched, includes online marketing marking lessons, a Business Booster Pro guide, general business lessons, a step-by-step video course on several related topics, plus copy-paste campaigns. The product also comes with membership plans that come in three types: basic, premium, and advance.

What’s In the Program?

Click Cash Commissions takes members through 9 different steps where the owners will explain everything they need to know about the program. These steps will already include the creation of a PayPal account as well as the integration of the account with your Click Cash membership. This is one of the best things about this program – you can get paid instantly. So while some are doubtful that it can make anyone earn thousands in just a couple of days, it is still reassuring to know that any earnings you make will be directed straight to your PayPal account. The $25 you will earn once you finish setting up your PayPal account is just a great bonus.

The other steps include:

·       Create and market a professional campaign and how to promote it online
·       Create your own affiliate reviews website with no programming and coding
·       Online marketing and promotional methods such as:
o   Viral marketing
o   PPC advertisement
o   Classified marketing
o   Blogging
o   Massive traffic generation techniques
·       Branding and setting organizational goals

The last section features Jessica’s most powerful Internet marketing methods, but this is only accessible by advance members.

Backstory: Jessica and Mike Auton

The people behind it are not new to the Clickbank industry. Mike, 35, is also the name behind several other successful Clickbank products such as CB Cash Code and Hard Cash Hijack. He is part of the top 10 affiliates thanks to his product Commission Domination. Jessica, on the other hand, is a well-known producer of excellent online marketing items, and many expect Click Cash Commissions to be yet another great offer from these two Internet marketing experts.

Is It Effective?

Not long after its recent launch, people started coming out to say that the product has started making an impact in their business.  The good thing about Click Cash Commissions is that it offers several tips and tactics to its readers; these are a collection of techniques that Jessica herself created as well as time-tested tactics that Jessica simply customized and tweaked. These tactics do make a lot of sense, and Jessica is able to explain them in a way that makes them easy for readers to apply.

Experts say the techniques on the product are mainly basic training, which is actually a good thing for the beginners that Jessica and Mike most want to help. Even the pros admit that all techniques presented in the program are solid and effective, and so far, people are starting to benefit from the product.

The only problem with it is how the creators of the program claimed it would make people earn thousands in a couple of days. Provided that everything goes perfectly well, it probably could, but since the market is very unpredictable, this kind of claim – and the expectations it creates – is something any product should refrain from making unless there are actual success stories to prove them.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Guide to Taking Fish Oil Supplements

Omega three is a fatty acid also known as “essential fish oil” has proven its benefits through the course of time. Much research indicates and proves the health benefits of this essential oil, while some studies have also proven the light to adverse effect of omega 3s. Such findings resolve into conflicting facts about Omega three which demanded for further queries and investigation.


To know the right healthy dose of omega three, we will discuss the proven benefits and risks of this essential oil. This article will present the facts needed to know to produce an answer to that query.  Knowing the benefits and the risk of inducing omega three, the debate turns into knowing what the healthiest dose of Omega three fish oil is.

The Good Things about Omega Three

Omega three was clinically proven to be beneficial to individuals who are susceptive to cardiovascular ailments. It is also called “food for the brain” because of its ability to add vigor to basic brain functions. Omega three can also be taken orally as anti-inflammatory medications for rheumatoid arthritis because of its ability to clean the arteries and regulates blood flow. It also lowers the total cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Lower cholesterol means less risk of hyper tension, while lower triglyceride means lowered risk of diabetes. High Triglycerides is one of the markers for diabetic patients. Some studies prove that omega three helps increase calcium in the body and a good additional medication to combat osteoporosis but, not all test of omega three for osteoporosis provided good results. In some cases omega three improved symptoms of chronic depression and was used as medication in addition with antidepressant prescription.

 Safety Concerns about Omega Three

Some of the risk of Omega three overdose leads to bleeding and hemorrhage. It also reduces the ability of the immune system to fight infections.  Fish oil can manifest obnoxious side-effect which includes uncontrolled belching, breath stench, nausea, loose bowel, nose bleeding, rashes and heartburn. An issue about heavy metal contamination is also one of the risks of consuming omega three as food supplement. Omega three is commonly derived from fish. Heavy metal contaminants are deposited in fish flesh. Pharmaceutically filtered and processed omega three capsule should be preferred to reduce the risk of contamination. 

Benefits versus Risk

Omega three benefits outweigh the risk of adding omega three fish oil as food supplements for one healthy individual. However, proper caution should be taken before considering this supplement in your daily dose and prescriptions. When taking some medications it is always best to consult your physician before doing so.

The Healthy Dose

So, what is the healthiest dose of omega three fish oil? The recommended healthy dose of omega three is three grams a day, or two serving of fish a day. But you can opt out into 800mg to 1,000mg a day if taken as supplement. However, if taken to lessen triglycerides for diabetic patient, a higher dose can be administered upon your doctor’s discretion. No established dosage or amount is recommended for children. Always consult your doctors to know the best dosage for your safety. Every human body has individual tolerance level in terms of medications.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Three Benefits of A Heated Mattress Pad

 A cost-effective alternative to expensive heating systems

Heating systems are getting more and more expensive nowadays, making it difficult for some households to invest in a good system that can get them through the cold seasons. As if that’s not enough to break the bank, consumers also have to pay high utility costs when they activate their heating systems for extended periods during the winter. Thankfully, with heated bedding solutions, consumers can enjoy a warm, comfortable sleep at night at a lower cost.

A more convenient way of heating beddings

Investing in heated mattress systems is not the only way of heating your bedding to make your sleep environment more comfortable. Some people opt for electric blankets. While these may be effective, they are usually not enough to keep you completely warm, especially since they are removable and can provide uneven heating.

A heated mattress pad, on the other hand, is underneath the sleeper, so any movement on the bed will not affect its ability to create warmth. Also, heated mattress pads are more able to provide even heating, making sure there are no cold spots when you sleep.

A healthy solution for those who suffer in the cold season

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a heated mattress pad is how it can benefit the health. The use of heated pads can have a therapeutic effect, and this can ease tired and sore muscles. This is why some people use these products even when it’s not winter.

Those who suffer from muscle problems, however, are the ones who benefit the most. Among these are arthritis and fibromyalgia sufferers.

Arthritis is not caused by the cold, but it tends to get worse when exposed to it. Medical professionals recommend heat as the most effective solution in order to relieve pain caused by the condition. Using a heated mattress cover can ensure proper blood flow to the muscles in the affected areas. This provides the muscles with the nutrition they need and therefore relaxes them.

While relief provided by warm baths can only last for a short while, a mattress pad designed to provide heating can keep you healthy and comfortable all night long.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Best Scarves from the Best Brands

Designer scarves are those that are manufactured by the top designer labels in the industry. Since there are plenty of them, you should just focus on those that produce the best scarves, such as:

·       Burberry. A Burberry scarf is considered as one of the most coveted and the finest quality scarves around. Majority of them are made of fine cashmere or wool, and are either Italian or English made. Burberry sells scarves ranging from $170 and $300, and are available in various patterns and colors.

·       Coach. Coach scarves are more fashionable, more versatile ones, as the popular designer brand carries neck scarves, ponytail scarves, and unique oblong scarves.

·       Hermes. Hermes produces a lot of scarves, but the brand is best known for their silk twill scarves.

Some other designer brands also manufacture scarves that have become popular among many women. These brands, however, have a more formal, regal, and classic styles, which certainly reflect on their scarves:

·       Chanel
·       Gucci
·       Fendi
·       Pucci

Scarves - Why Buy in Bulk?

  • Buying in bulk will allow you to get discounts on these accessories, making them even cheaper especially when compared to hats or jewelries.
  •  When you buy wholesale scarves, you can buy different types while avoiding duplicates. But when you buy separately from time to time, chances are that you’ll end up with many closely similar pieces in your scarf collection.
  •  If you’re an online shopper and you decide to buy wholesale, you will be able to save a lot on shipping and handling costs.